PSAM14 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Program Book - Schedule - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - SEARCH PAPERS

KEY: -Paper; -Presentation

P02 Plenary Session
Assuring Mission Success for Planetary Space Missions
Dr. John Casani
Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), Retired
T01 Special Session: HRA data analysis I
29 SACADA Data for HEP Estimates
Yung Hsien James Chang, Carmen Franklin
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC, USA
60 Analyses Methods and Pilot Applications of SACADA Database
Mohamad Ali Azarm (a), Inn Seock Kim (b), Clifford Marks, and Faramarz Azarm (a)
a) Innovative Engineering and Safety Solutions, Germantown, MD, USA, b) ISSA Technology Inc., Germantown, MD, USA
78 Methodology for Supporting the Determination of Human Error Probabilities from Simulator Sourced Data
Pamela F. Nelson (a), C.R. Grantom P.E. (b), and David Quintanar-Gago (a)
a) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ingeniería, Departamento de Sistemas Energéticos, Mexico City, Mexico, b) CRG LLC, Huffman, Texas, USA
412 A framework for Using SACADA to Enhance the Qualitative and Quantitative Basis of HRA
Katrina M. Groth
Systems Risk and Reliability Analysis Lab, Center for Risk and Reliability, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
T02 Reliability Analysis II
136 Application of Reliability Analysis in Preliminary Design Stage of Digital I&C System
Wenjie Qin (a), Xuhong He (b), Xiufeng Tian, Dejun Du (c)
a) Lloyd’s Register Consulting – Energy Inc., Shanghai, China, b) Lloyd’s Register Consulting AB, Stockholm, Sweden, c) China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
145 Reliability Modeling of Phased Mission Multi-State Systems via a Scenario Inference Method
Weiyang Men, Ying Chen, Yingyi Li, and Ze Wang
Beihang University, Beijing, China
241 Reliability Analyses of Digital I&C Systems within the Verification and Validation Process
Mariana Jockenhövel-Barttfeld, Stefan Karg (a), Christian Hessler (b) and Herve Bruneliere (c)
a) Framatome GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, b) AREVA GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, c) Framatome SAS, Paris, France
T03 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis I
16 Application of Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design to Reduce Parameter Uncertainty in the Fracture Boundary of a Fuel Cladding Tube Under LOCA Conditions
Takafumi Narukawa (a,b), Akira Yamaguchi, Sunghyon Jang (a), and Masaki Amaya (b)
a) The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, b) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki, Japan
22 A Conceptual Comparative Study of Flex Strategies to Cope with Extended Station Blackout (SBO)
Hak Kyu Lim
KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
36 Sensitivity Analysis for the Evaluation of Failure Effects on an I&C Test System
Christian Müller, Ewgenij Piljugin, Jörg Peschke, Manuela Jopen, Dagmar Sommer
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany
T04 Maritime and Offshore Technology I
86 Probabilistic Decision Support for Offshore Wind Operations: A Bayesian Network Approach to Include the Dependence of the Installation Activities
Georgios Leontaris (a), Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (b), and A.R.M. (Rogier) Wolfert (a)
a) Integral Design and Management, Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, b) Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk, Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
98 Reducing Risk in Aquaculture Through Autonomous Underwater Operations
Ingrid B. Utne, Ingrid Schjølberg, Stian Sandøy, Xue Yang (a), and Ingunn M. Holmen (b)
a) NTNU Department of Marine Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway, b) SINTEF Ocean, 7465 Trondheim, Norway
177 Study of Ship Piloting Risk Aversion Based on Human Reliability Analysis
Wei Hong-Bin
China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China
T05 Risk Assessment Methods II
143 Risk Assessment Study of Loss Profit for Integrated Maintenance Policy Based on Power Generation for a Wind Turbine
Maryem Bouzoubaa, Zied Hajej, and Nidhal Rezg
LGIPM, UFR-MIM, University of Lorraine, Metz, France
149 Leaving Mission Times Backstage and Taking Repair into Account in Long Term Scenarios
Anders Olsson
Lloyd's Register, Malmoe, Sweden
151 RASTEP – A Novel Tool for Nuclear Accident Diagnosis and Source Term Prediction based on PSA and Bayesian Belief Networks
Francesco Di Dedda (a), Anders Olsson (b), Joakim Klug and Anders Riber Marklund (c)
a) Lloyd’s Register, Gothenburg, Sweden, b) Lloyd’s Register, Malmoe, Sweden, c) Lloyd’s Register, Sundbyberg, Sweden
165 Dynamic Modelling of Severe Accident Management for CANDU Reactors in Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Alexander V. Trifanov
Kinectrics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
T06 Water and Land Transportation II
279 A Collision Risk-Based Ship Domain Method Approach to Model the Virtual Force Field
Tengfei Wang (a,b,c), Xinping Yana (b), Yang Wang and Qing Wu (a,b,c)
Tengfei Wang (a,b,c), Xinping Yana (b), Yang Wang and Qing Wu (a,b,c)
287 Trend and Hotspot Analysis of Waterway Transportation Safety Based on Bibliometrics
Wang Guobo, Han Chao, Xu Liansheng (a), Wu Jing (b,a)
a) China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China, b) North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
288 Risk Assessment of Dangerous Goods Areas in Ports
Wu Jing (a,b), Chen Fengyun, Hu Yuchang, Wang Guobo, Xu Liansheng (b), Mao Xianling (c)
a) North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, b) China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China, c) Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
290 A Case of Quantitative Risk Assessment of Dangerous Goods Container Yard in Chinese Port
Zhijun Chen, Hong Fan, Yuan Gao , Qing Xia , Haiqi Tang, Yafei Zhou
China Waterborne Transport Institute, Beijing, China
T07 Panel Session: Risk Communication with Mid-Level Decision Makers
T07-1 Risk Communication
Greg Krueger
T07-2 Risk Management & Communication
Sammy Kayali
Jet Propultion Lab
T07-3 Risk Communication
Shahen Poghosyan
IAEA, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
T07-4 Risk Communication with Mid-Level Decision Makers - Challenges and Lessons Learned
Sunil Weerakkody
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
T11 Special Session: HRA data analysis II
57 Using Microworlds to Support Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis
Thomas A. Ulrich, Ronald L. Boring, and Diego Mandelli
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, USA
183 Informing HRA by Empirical Data, Halden Reactor Project Lessons Learned and Future Direction
Andreas Bye
OECD Halden Reactor Project, IFE, Halden, Norway
187 Attempt to Predict Human Failure Rate in Different Industry Sectors Using Data from Major Accidents and Bayesian Networks
C. Morais (a,b), R. Moura (b,a), M. Beer (c,d) and E. Patelli (a)
a) University Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, b) National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), Brazil, c) Institute for Risk and Reliability, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, d) School of Civil Engineering & Shanghai Institute of Disaster Prevention and Relief, Tongji University, China
391 Use of IDHEAS General Methodology to Incorporate Human Performance Data for Estimation of Human Error Probabilities
Jing Xing and Y. James Chang
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC, USA
T12 Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety II
300 Comparison of MCUB and MCS BDD Fault Tree Solution Algorithms using Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant Model
Pavol Zvoncek and Olivier Nusbaumer
Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant, Leibstadt, Switzerland
312 Predictive Model on the Degradation of the Electrical Resistance of Cable Insulation
Yuan-Shang Chang and Ali Mosleh
B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, and Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
313 Predictive Model on the Reliability of the Insulation Made from Special Heat-Resistant Polyvinyl Chloride
Yuan-Shang Chang, Yizhen Zhang, and Ali Mosleh
B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, and Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
25 Safety Assessments of Nuclear Power Plants I&C Systems Architecture
Hervé Brunelière, Pierre Lacaille, Jean-Yves Brandelet (a), and Mariana Jockenhoevel-Barttfeld (b)
a) Framatome, Paris La Défense, France, b) Framatome, Erlangen, Germany
T13 Site Level (Multi-Unit, Multi-Source) PSA/PRA I
147 Framatome’s lessons learned on Multi-Unit PSA
Jean-Yves Brandelet, Hervé Brunelière, and Pierre Lacaille
Framatome, Courbevoie, France
179 SITRON - Site Risk Assessment Approach Developed for Nordic Countries
Ola Bäckström (a), Erik Cederhorn (b), Xuhong He (a), Jan-Erik Holmberg (b), Tero Tyrväinen (c)
a) Lloyd’s Register, Stockholm, Sweden, b) Risk Pilot AB, Espoo, Finland, c) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland
180 Multi-Unit Dependency Modeling Based on Reported Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Incidents
Yuki Nakano, Satoshi Takeda, Takanori Kitada (a), Taotao Zhou, Mohammad Modarres (b)
a) Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka, Japan, b) Center for Risk and Reliability, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
212 Framework for Modeling Ground Motion Variability at a Nuclear Power Plant Site for Use in a Seismic Multi-Unit Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Jonathan DeJesus Segarra (a), Michelle Bensi (b), Mohammad Modarres (a)
a) Center for Risk and Reliability, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, b) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA
T14 Risk and Hazard Analysis II
94 Risk Effectiveness Analysis of FLEX using Plant Specific PRA
Chun-Chang Chao, Po-Jung Chiu, Chen-Che Hsu, Ching-Tien Huang
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taoyuan, Taiwan
99 A Review of Hazard Identification Techniques for Autonomous Operations in Norwegian Aquaculture
Xue Yang, Ingrid B. Utne, and Christoph A. Thieme
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Marine Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
101 Post-Fukushima PSA Modelling: Best-estimate, Plant-Specific Considerations vs. Conservative Requirements
Jens-Uwe Klügel, Dusko Kancev, Stefan Heussen, Pere Drinovac, Thomas Kozlik
NPP Goesgen-Daeniken AG, Kraftwerkstrasse CH-4658 Daeniken, Switzerland
122 The Study of Spent Fuel Pool Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan
Yicheng Tian ,Chun-Chang Chao, Chen-Che Hsua, Po-Jung Chiu, Yu-Ting Chiou and Tzu-Shiu Lin
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taoyuan, Taiwan
T15 External Hazard PSA/PRA II
108 A Method for Inclusion Of Uncertainties in Seismic PSA
Lavinia Raganelli (a,b), Keith Ardron (b)
a) Corporate Risk Associates, London, UK, b) Imperial College, London, UK
115 Assessing and Modelling Buildings Failures caused by External Events at Ringhals NPP
Erik Sparre (a), Carl Sunde (b), and Cilla Andersson (c)
a) Risk Pilot, Malmo, Sweden, b) Risk Pilot, Gothenburg, Sweden, c) Ringhals, Varobacka, Sweden
138 Screening of External Hazards in Belgium
Bogdan Golovchuk and Filip Van Opstal
Tractebel ENGIE, Brussels, Belgium
117 Oil and Gas Pipeline Third Party Damage (TPD) - A New Way to Model External Hazard Failure
Christopher Jackson, Ali Mosleh
B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
T16/td> Dependence Modeling and Analysis
28 Developing Generic Prior Distributions for Common Cause Failure Alpha Factors
Zhegang Ma, John Schroeder, and Curtis Smith
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, USA
114 A Physics-of-Failure Approach for Common Cause Failures Subject to Age-Related Degradation
Taotao Zhou (a), Enrique López Droguett (a,b), and Mohammad Modarres (a)
a) Center for Risk and Reliability, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
246 Recent Insights from the International Common Cause Failure Data Exchange (ICDE) Project
Benjamin Brück (a), Gunnar Johanson (b) , Michelle Gonzalez (c), Jan Stiller (a)
a) Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit(GRS) gGmbH, Cologne, GERMANY, b) ÅF Industry, Stockholm, SWEDEN, c) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, United States
T17 Risk Informed Applications II
162 Framatome’s lessons learned on Risk-Informed Applications
Hervé Brunelière, Jean-Yves Brandelet (a), Heiko Kollasko (b), Pierre Lacaille (a) and Jari Pesonen (c)
a) Framatome, Paris, France, b) Framatome, Erlangen, Germany, c) TVO, Olkiluoto, Finland
257 Level 1 PRA Considering Optimization of Safety Systems for the iB1350
Go Tanaka, Yuji Komori, Keiji Matsumoto and Takashi Sato
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Co., Yokohama, Japan
307 Review of Risk-Informed Approach and Challenges in its Application for Floating Nuclear Power Plant
Wang, Jiaqun, Wang Qianglong (a), Yang Linping (b), Qiu Jinrong, Yao Shiwei (a), Wu Jie (c)
a) Wuhan 2nd Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan, China, b) Chongqing Huayu Electric Group CO., LTD., Chongqing, China, c) Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, China
T21-1 Special Panel Session Intro
Kathrina Groth
Center for Risk and Reliability, University of Maryland
T21-2 Special Panel Session on the future of HRA data
Andreas Bye
OECD Halden Reactor Project, Institute for energy technology (IFE)
T21-3 Panel “What’s Next for HRA?”
Jeffrey Julius
Jensen Hughes
T21-4 Special panel session on the future of HRA data
Jinkyun Park
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
T22 Health and Medicine
174 Validation of the NASA Integrated Medical Model: A Space Flight Medical Risk Prediction Tool
Jerry Myers (a), Yamil Garcia (b), John Arellano (c), Lynn Boley (b), Debra Goodenow (a), Eric Kerstmand, Matthew Koslovsky (b), David Reyes (d), Lynn Sail (e), Wafa Taiym (b), Millennia Young (e)
a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA, b) KBRwyle, Houston, TX, USA, c) MEIT, Houston, TX, USA, d) University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA, e) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA
408 A Bayesian Belief Network Model for Risk of Vascular Catheter-Associated Infection
Reza Kazemi (a) , Ali Mosleh (b) and Meghan Dierks (c)
a) University of Maryland, College Park, currently at USFDA, b) University of Maryland, College Park, currently at UCLA, c) Harvard Medical school
409 A Bayesian Belief Network Model for Risk of Pressure Ulcer
Reza Kazemi (a) , Ali Mosleh (b) and Meghan Dierks (c)
a) University of Maryland, College Park, currently at USFDA, b) University of Maryland, College Park, currently at UCLA, c) Harvard Medical school
T23 Dynamic PSA/PRA II
87 Code Surrogate Development for Dynamic PRA Using Anisotropic Taylor Kriging Methodology
Robby Christian, Hyun Gook Kang
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA
106 Development of an Online Operator Tool to Support Real-Time Emergency Planning Based on the Use of Dynamic Event Trees and Deep Learning
Ji Hyun Lee, Tunc Aldemir, Alper Yilmaz and Richard Denning
The Ohio State University, Columbus, US
121 Pattern Identification of Dynamic Event Tree Scenarios with Clustering
Junyung Kim and Hyun Gook Kang
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA
126 Severe Accident Scenario Uncertainty Analysis using the Dynamic Event Tree Method
Xiaoyu Zheng, Hitoshi Tamaki, Jun Ishikawa, Tomoyuki Sugiyama, and Yu Maruyama
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki, Japan
T25 Accident Analysis and Modeling II
266 Source Term Prediction Software in Case of Severe Accidents: FaSTPro for Shutdown States
Michael Hage, Michael Kowalik, Sören Johst and Horst Löffler
GRS, Cologne, Germany
296 Analysis of the Effect of Severe Accident Scenario on the Vessel Lower Head Failure in Nordic BWR using MELCOR code
Sergey Galushin and Pavel Kudinov
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
297 Sensitivity Analysis of the Vessel Lower Head Failure in Nordic BWR using MELCOR Code
Sergey Galushin and Pavel Kudinov
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
390 Confirmatory Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis to Support Success Criteria in NRC’s PRA Models
Suzanne Dennis, Shawn Campbell, Don Helton
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD, USA
T26 Nuclear Industry I
41 On the Recent Research Advancements of Cyber Security of Nuclear Power Plants
Yan-Fu Li, Shou-Zhou Liu
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
44 Review of Probabilistic Safety Assessment as Part of the Periodic Safety Review for NPP Paks
Attila Bareith
NUBIKI Nuclear Safety Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary
155 Safety Demonstration – A Strategy for Assessors
André A. Hauge, Vikash Katta, Peter Karpati (a) and Bjørn Axel Gran (a,b)
a) Department of Risk, Safety and Security, Institute for Energy Technology, Halden, Norway, b) NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
131 Reliability Analysis of Digital Pressurizer Water Level Control System in NPP based on Boolean Logic Driven Markov Process
Yi-jing Mao (a), Xi-yu Chen, Shi-liang Zhou (a,b), Tong-yu Xu, Irsa Rasheed (a)
a) School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, b) Beijing Key Laboratory of Passive Safety Technology for Nuclear Energy, Beijing, China
T27 Special Session: Population-based risk stratification in health: the opportunity for risk sciences to influence precision medicine
T27-1 Introduction
T27-2 Risk-Based Screening for Breast Cancer
Arash Naeim
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
T27-3 Sensing At-Risk Patients
Ramin Ramezani
Computer Science Dept. & Center for Smart Health, UCLA
T27-4 Optimizing imaging-based Lung Cancer Screening
Alex Bui
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA