PSAM14 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management
Thursday, September 20 , 2018

Program Book - Schedule - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - SEARCH PAPERS

KEY: -Paper; -Presentation

P04 Plenary Session
Assuring Mission Success for Planetary Space Missions
Dr. John Casani
JPL, Retired
Th01 Flex, Seismic, and Fire HRA
90 Human Reliability Assessment for ‘Flex’ Equipment
Martin Reid
EDF Energy, Gloucester, UK
305 Application of SPAR-H Method in Fire Human Reliability Analysis
Kunxiu Liu, Xiufeng Tian (a), Xuhong He (b), Xinwei Liu (a)
a) CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing, China, b) Lloyd’s Register Consulting – Energy AB, Sundbyberg, Sweden
425 Use of Expert Judgment to Support Human Reliability Analysis of Implementing FLEX Equipment
Michelle Kichline, Jing Xing, John Hughey, and Mathew Hamberstone
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC, USA
Th02 Reliability Analysis IV
338 Quantitative Reliability Demonstration from Production to Operation on the Example of the New Radiation Tolerant Power Converter Controller for the Large Hadron Collider
Tamer Tevetoğlu (a), Slawosz Uznanksi, Benjamin Todd (b), Bernd Bertsche (a)
a) University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, b) CERN (TE-EPC), Geneva, Switzerland
140 Optimization of Test Cases for Experimental Reliability Evaluation of Digital Reactor Protection System
Jeongil Seo and Seung Jun Lee
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Republic of Korea
357 Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems
Askin Guler Yigitoglu, Michael S. Greenwood, Thomas J. Harrison
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Th03 Dynamic PSA/PRA IV
217 A Dynamic Coupled-Code Assessment of Mitigation Actions in an Interfacing System Loss of Coolant Accident
Zachary Jankovsky (a,b), Matthew Denman (b), and Tunc Aldemir (a)
a) The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, b) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
221 Performing an Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis with the ADS-IDAC Dynamic PSA Software Platform
Mihai A. Diaconeasa and Ali Mosleh
The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
223 Discrete Dynamic Event Tree Uncertainty Quantification in the ADS-IDAC Dynamic PSA Software Platform
Mihai A. Diaconeasa and Ali Mosleh
The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
189 The Backtracking Process Algorithm: A Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Method for Autonomous Vehicle Control Systems
Mohammad Hejase, Arda Kurt, Tunc Aldemir, and Umit Ozguner
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
Th04 Oil and Gas Insdustry II
345 A Practical Approach to Risk-Based Gas Monitoring System Design for Oil and Gas Offshore Platforms
Claudia Vivalda, Raffaella Gerboni, and Andrea Carpignano
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
416 Development of a Software Platform for Pipeline Health Monitoring and Management
Mihai A. Diaconeasa and Ali Mosleh
The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
418 The Impact of Time-Varying Operating Parameters on the Corrosion Rate and Depth of Gas Pipelines
Keo Yuan Wu, Mihai A. Diaconeasa, Ali Mosleh
The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Th05 Risk Assessment Methods IV
283 Recent PSA developments and use of PSA applications in Belgium
Véronique Jacques, Julie Delvax, Luc Kelders, Dries Gryffroy and Pieter De Gelder
Bel V, Brussels, Belgium
309 Development of Probabilistic Safety Assessment Methodology for Autonomous Micro Modular Reactor
Eun Seo So, Jaesun Ha, and Man Cheol Kim
Chung-Ang university, Seoul, Korea
315 SSM funding of R&D activities related to Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Per Hellström
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Stockholm, Sweden
328 Reconsideration of PRA Framework – Addressing Level 3 PRA Coverage and Multi-unit Issues
Kampanart Silva (a), Shin-etsu Sugawara (b)
a) Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Nayok, Thailand, b) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan
Th07 Risk Informed Applications IV
378 Use of PRA to Select Licensing Basis Events
Karl Fleming (a), Edward Wallace (b), and Amir Afzali (c)/td>
a) KNF Consulting Services LLC, Spokane, USA, b) GNBC Associates, Inc., Denver, USA, c) Southern Company Services, Birmingham, USA
399 SSC Safety Classification and Performance Requirements for Advanced Non-LWRs
Jason Redd (a), Karl Fleming (b), and Amir Afzali (a)
a) Southern Company Services, Birmingham, USA, b) KNF Consulting Services LLC, Spokane, USA/td>
400 Risk Informed and Performance Based Evaluation of Defense-in-depth
Edward G Wallace (a), Karl Fleming (b), and Amir Aflazi (c)
a) GNBC Associates, Inc., Denver, CO, USA, b) KNF Consulting Services LLC, Spokane, WA, USA, c) Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL, USA
415 Application of Risk-Informed Decision-Making Approach in Optimization of Online Maintenance for Safety Systems
Licun Wu, Wei Deng, and Chao Ma
China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing, China
Th11 External Events and Multi-Unit HRA
341 Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) Methodologies used in the Canadian Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for External Events
Hayat Chatri, Smain Yalaoui, and Yolande Akl
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ottawa, Canada
226 Analysis of Human-Induced Initiating Events in the LOOP Scenario
Awwal Mohammed Arigi, Jooyoung Park, and Jonghyun Kim
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
236 An Approach to Human Reliability Analysis for the Multi-Unit PSA
Jooyoung Park, Awwal Mohammed Arigi, and Jonghyun Kim
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chosun University, 309 Pilmun-daero, Dong-gu, Gwangju 501-709, Republic of Korea
Th12 Maritime and Offshore Technology II
404 A Signal Detection Model to Interpret Safety Tests in Offshore Oil Drilling
Maryam Tabibzadeh (a), Detlof von Winterfeldt, and Najmedin Meshkati (b)
a) California State University, Northridge, Northridge, USA, b) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
420 A Case Study to Analyze Negative Pressure Test Interpretation in Offshore Drilling: Utilizing a Signal Detection Model
Maryam Tabibzadeh (a), Detlof von Winterfeldt and Najmedin Meshkati (b)
a) California State University, Northridge, Northridge, USA, b) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
254 Modeling the Risk of U.S. Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration-Well Drilling, Commercial Nuclear Plants, and Human Spaceflight
Roger L. Boyer, Robert B. Cross (a), Forrest E. Shanks, Michael Worden (b), and Robert Youngblood (c)
a) NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, U.S.A., b) Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Houston, USA, c) Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, USA
Th13 Consequence Modeling and Management II
284 Korean Ingestion Dose Assessment Model for Level 3 PSA
Dong-Kown Keum, In Jun, Kwang-Muk Lim, Yong-Ho Choi, Hyo-Joon Jeong, Seok-Jung Han
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon, Republic of Korea
350 Optimization of Disaster Restoration Plan for Water Supply System using a High-Fidelity Restoration Process Simulation and Genetic Algorithm
Shungo Koike (a), Taro Kanno (b), Yuji Kawase (c), Hiroyuki Takahashi (d), and Kazuo Furuta (e)
a,b,e) Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, c,d) METAWATER Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
119 The Latest Thinking of SMRs Impact on the Environment - A Probabilistic Approach
Bernat Cirera, Lavinia Raganelli and Hugh Stephenson
Corporate Risk Associates, London, United Kingdom
Th14 Risk and Hazard Analysis IV
211 Sequoyah SOARCA Uncertainty Analysis of a STSBO Accident
Nathan Bixler, Matthew Dennis, Dusty Brooks, Doug Osborn (a), S. Tina Ghosh, Alfred Hathaway (b)
a) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA, b) Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, USA
250 Representation of Process Design Rationale for Change Management
Tetsuo Fuchino (a), Teiji Kitajima (b), and Yukiyasu Shimada (c)
a) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, b) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, c) National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Tokyo, Japan
265 Systematic Approach for Comprehensive Consideration of Hydrological Hazards in Level 1 PSA
Marina Roewekamp (a), Gerhard Gaenssmantel, Matthias Utschick, Joachim von Linden (b)
a) GRS gGmbH, Cologne, Germany, b) GRS, Garching, Germany
431 A Survey on Human Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles and Vehicles to Vehicles
Bentolhoda Jafary (a), Elaheh Rabeie, Mihai A. Diaconeasa, Hasan Massoomi (b), Lance Fiondella (a), and Ali Mosleh (b)
a) University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, USA, b) University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA
Th15 External Hazard PSA/PRA IV
272 Hazard Curve Construction for Icing Events of Overhead Power Lines
Zoltan Kovacs and Pavol Hlavac
RELKO Ltd, Bratislava, Slovakia
303 Improvement of Fault Displacement PRA Methodology and Concept of its Application to a Hypothetical NPP
Katsumi Ebisawa, Hideaki Tsutsumi (a), Futoshi Tanaka, Daisuke Ochi, Manabu Miyata, Ryusuke Haraguchi, Tetsuhiro Gou, Kunihiko Sato (b) and Sinji Yoshida (c)
a) Central Research Institute Electric Power Iudustry, Tokyo, Japan, b) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd, Kobe, Japan, c) Obayashi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
354 The Concept of Validation Strategy about Fault Displacement Fragility Evaluation Methodology and its Application to Actual Damaged Structure
Hideaki Tsutsumi (a), Yuji Nikaido, Yoshinori Mihara (b), Ryusuke Haraguchi (c), Katsumi Ebisawa (a)
a) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan, b) Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, c) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd, Kobe, Japan
Th16 Aeronautics and Aerospace II
281 Synthesizing a New Launch Vehicle Failure Probability Based on Historical Flight Data
Robert B. Cross (a), William E. Vesely (b)
a) NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, USA, b) NASA, Retired, Arlington, VA, USA
421 A Bayesian Analysis of the Risk of Satellite Collisions and of Space Surveillance Improvements
M-Elisabeth Paté-Cornell and Richard Kim
Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
411 Launch Vehicle Reliability and Risk Metrics Definition and Estimation in Relation to Requirements
Sergio Guarro
The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California, USA
Th22 New Applications of HRA
134 Human Reliability Considerations from the Hawaii Ballistic Missile Alert Event
Heather Medema (a), Harold Blackman (b), Kateryna Savchenko, and Ronald Boring (a)
a) Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, b) Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA
191 On factors Affecting Autonomous Ships Operators Performance in a Shore Control Center
Marilia A. Ramos, Ingrid B. Utne (a), Ali Mosleh (b)
a) NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, b) UCLA, Los Angeles, U.S.A
205 Serious Games & Human Reliability. The Use of Game-Engine-Based Simulator Data for Studies of Evacuation Under Toxic Cloud Scenario
Marcos V. P. Andrade, Caio B. Souto Maiora, Erika O. Silva, Márcio C. Mour a and Isis D. Lins
Center for Risk Analysis and Environmental Modeling, Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Th23 Dynamic PSA/PRA V
295 Joint Application of Risk Oriented Accident Analysis Methodology and PSA Level 2 to Severe Accident Issues in Nordic BWR
Sergey Galushin (a), Lisa Ranlöf, Ola Bäckström, Yvonne Adolfsson (b), Dmitry Grishchenko, Pavel Kudinov (a), Anders Riber Marklund (b)
a) Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, b) Lloyd’s Register Consulting, Stockholm, Sweden
247 Comparison of Dynamic Event Trees with and without a Human Reliability Interface in a PWR Station Blackout using Severe Accident Management Guidelines
Emily Sandt, Brian Cohn, Yunfei Zhao, Carol Smidts, and Tunc Aldemir
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
262 Results of an IDPSA Aimed to Assess the Potential of a Thermally Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture
Martina Kloos and Joerg Peschke
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Garching, Germany
355 Recent Analysis and Capability Enhancements to the ADAPT Dynamic Event Tree Driver
Zachary Jankovsky (a,b), Matthew Denman (b), and Tunc Aldemir (a)
a) The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, b) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Th24 Risk and Hazard Analysis V TITLE
268 Main Results and Conclusions of the OL3 Level 1 and Level 2 PSAs for the Operating License in Connection with the Fulfillment of the Regulatory Requirements
Heiko Kollasko, Gerben Dirksen (a), Roman Grygoruk (b), Jari Pesonen, Lasse Tunturivuori and Antti Tarkiainen (c)
a) Framatome GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, b) AREVA GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, c) TVO, Olkiluoto, Finland
317 What is Risk and What is Safety?
Per Hellström
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Stockholm, Sweden
52 Economic Risk Analysis for Gamma Irradiator
Nestor A. López Fernández, Pamela F. Nelson (a), and Florentino A. López Núñez (b)
a) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, b) Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas, La Habana, Cuba
382 A Project to Encourage the Early Integration of Safety Assessment into the Design, License, and Build Process of Nuclear Power Plants – Status Report
Steve Krahn, Brandon Chisholm (a), and Andrew Sowder (b)
a) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA, b) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Charlotte, NC, USA
Th25 Risk Assessment Methods V
343 A New Layer to the PRA: Operational Performance Risk Assessment
Askin Guler Yigitoglu, Michael D. Muhlheim, Sacit M. Cetiner (a), Richard S. Denning (b)
a) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, b) Research Consultant
369 Tractebel’s Hydrogen Risk Analyzer : A tool to Assess the Loads and Risks Associated to Hydrogen Combustion Inside Nuclear Buildings
Jérémy Bulle
Tractebel (ENGIE), Brussels, Belgium
380 Identification and Quantification of Risk Scenarios for a Unique Nuclear Reactor – a Historical Example
D.H. Johnson (a), M.A. Linn (b), and C.T. Ramsey (b)
a) B John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, Los Angeles, USA, b) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA
298 Risk Analysis Framework for Decision Support for Severe Accident Mitigation Strategy in Nordic BWR
Sergey Galushin, Dmitry Grishchenko, Pavel Kudinov
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Th27 Special Session: Which Way SPRA?
Th "Which Way PRA?" Workshop
Woody Epstein (a) and Eddie Guerra (b)
a) ARS/GIRS, b) Arup
Tha All's Well in SPRA Land!
Ravi Ravindra
Thb SPRAs in the U.S.: How the Young Generation is Working on Practicality and Communication
Eddie Guerra
Thc Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment (SPRA) – Quo Vadis?
J.-U. Klügel, and A. Nykyforchyn
NPP Goesgen-Daeniken, Seismic Competence Center of Swiss NPPs
Thd SPRA and Risk-Informed Decision-Making at a Crossroads
Fernando Ferrante
The Advanced Mechanistic 3D Spatial Modeling and Analysis Methods to Accurately Represent Nuclear Facility External Event Scenarios
H. Sezen and T. Aldemir (a), R. Denning (b)
a) The Ohio State University, b) Consultant
Thf Seismic Fragility Functions Based on Actual Earthquakes
Sam Swan
Thg Major Changes to PSHA and SPRA Practice
Norm Abrahamson
University of California, Berkeley
Thh Quantitative Seismic Risk Analysis: Evolution of Models and Data
Elisabeth Paté-Cornell
Stanford University
Thi "Which Way SPRA?"
Don Wakefield
Thj The Physics of Tall Building Collapse
Tom Heaton
Thk Epistemic Uncertainty Reduction in the PSA of Nuclear Power Plant using Bayesian Approach and Information Entropy
Akira Yamaguchi, Masa-aki Katoh and Takashi Takata
Osaka University
Thl Issues with the Systems-Analysis (Plant-Response-Model) Aspect of Seismic PRA
Robert J. Budnitz
University of California Berkeley (Retired)