PSAM14 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Program Book - Schedule - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - SEARCH PAPERS

KEY: -Paper; -Presentation

P03 Plenary Session
Risk of Models
Ali Mosleh
Director, The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, UCLA
W01 New Measures for HRA
225 Performance Shaping Factors as Operator Performance Measures for Validation and the Need for Robust Usability in Human Reliability Analysis
Torrey J. Mortenson and Ronald L. Boring
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
39 Toward a Novel Situation Assessment (SA) Measure
Jinkyun Park, Yochan Kim, and Wondea Jung
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
204 Real-time SVM Classification for Drowsiness Detection Using Eye Aspect Ratio
Caio B. Souto Maior, Márcio C. Moura, João M. M. de Santana, Lucas M. do Nascimento, July B. Macedo, Isis D. Lins (a) and Enrique L. Droguett (b)
a) Center for Risk Analysis and Environmental Modeling, Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, b) Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
386 Drowsiness Detection Using Electroencephalography Signals: A Deep Learning Based Model
Luis Guarda, Nicolás Astorga, Enrique López Droguett (a), Marcio Moura (b), Marcelo Ramos (c)
a) Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, b) Production Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, c) Naval Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
W03 Site Level (Multi-Unit, Multi-Source) PSA/PRA II
430 IAEA Project: Multiunit Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Ovidiu Coman, Shahen Poghosyan
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
424 Update of the Plant-specific Seismic PRA of NPP Goesgen – Risk Model, Results and Insights
J.-U. Klügel, A. Nykyforchyn and D. Kancev
NPP Goesgen, Daeniken, Switzerland
333 Practical Methods for Composing Multi-unit PSA Model
Woo Sik Jung
Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
W04 Oil and Gas Industry I
185 On the Development of the Blowout Preventer PRA Model
Jan Swider (a,c), Charley Gallo (b,c), Gregg Walz, and Jim Raney (c)
a) Cogoto, Inc., Simi Valley, USA, b) The Frontline Group, Houston, USA, c) Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, The Woodlands, USA
216 Probabilistic Model for Internal Uniform/Pitting Corrosion of Gas Pipelines
Keo Yuan Wu and Ali Mosleh
The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
248 Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) of a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) Dynamic Positioning System (DPS)
Eric B. Thigpen (a), Roger L. Boyer, Michael A. Stewart (b)
a) SAIC, Houston, Texas, b) NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas
W05 Risk Assessment Methods III
206 What Have We Done Lately? The Current Status of the SAPHIRE Risk Analysis Software
S. Ted Wood, James K. Knudsen, and Kellie J. Kvarfordt
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, United States
263 Feedback on the Use Of Risk Metrics for Level 2 PSAs
Guillaume Kioseyian, Yves Guigueno, Emmanuel Raimond
IRSN, BP 17, Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92262, France
264 OECD WGRISK – Recently Ongoing and Potential Future International Risk-related Activities
Marina Roewekamp (a), Kwang-Il Ahn (b), Yolande Akl (c), Attila Bareith (d), Vinh Dang (e), Jeanne-Marie Lanore (f), Markus Porthin (g), Gerhard Schoen (h), Sung Min Shin (b)
a) Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Köln, Germany, b) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon, Republic of Korea, c) Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Ottawa, ONT, Canada, d) NUBIKI, Budapest, Hungary, e) Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland, f) Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), Fontenay-Aux-Roses, France, g) VTT, Espoo, Finland, h) Eidgenoessisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland
269 On the Calculation of Unit Trip Frequency
James C. Lin
ABSG Consulting Inc., Irvine, USA
W06 Water and Land Transportation III
291 Stochastic Programming Decision for Inland Container Liner Route Stowage Planning with Uncertain Container Weight
Jun Li, Yu Zhanga, Sanyou Ji (a), Jie Ma (b)
a) School of Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, b) School of Navigation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
327 Optimal Allocation of Emergency Resources for Safety Production in Container Ports
Ning Chen, Wan Yue, Xiangyu Chen, Jing Ma
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
332 System Theoretic Frameworks for Mitigating Risk Complexity in the International Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Adam Williams, Douglas Osborn, and Elena Kalinina
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
334 Comparison of Maritime Safety Management Modes and Measures for Main Inland Waterways in China, US, and EU
Ma Minglu (a), Wu Jing (b,a)
a) China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China, b) North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
W07 Risk Informed Applications III
324 Practical Elimination - Experiences for Units in Use, in Construction and in Design
I. Niemelä, M. Marjamäki and N. Lahtinen
STUK, Helsinki, Finland
325 NPP Failure Analyses in Finland
Pia Humalajoki and Ilkka Niemelä
STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, Finland
326 Frequency of Early Release Requiring Protective Actions for the Public at Loviisa VVER-440 NPP
Taisto Laato, Kalle E. Jänkälä
Fortum Power and Heat Oy, Espoo, Finland
356 2018 Status of "Requirements for Low Power and Shutdown Probabilistic Risk Assessment", Low Power and Shutdown PRA Standard
Donald J. Wakefield
ABSG Consulting Inc., Irvine, USA
W11 Dynamic HRA
267 A Method for Modeling Human Behavior as a Dynamic Process in the Context of External and Internal Hazards
Joerg Peschke (a), Marina Roewekamp (b)
a) GRS, Garching, Germany, b) GRS, Cologne, Germany
292 Functional Requirement Analysis for Severe Accident Management Support System Using Multilevel Flow Modeling
Sungheon Lee and Jonghyun Kim
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
230 Aggregation of Autocalculated Human Error Probabilities from Tasks to Human Failure Events in a Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis Implementation
Ronald L. Boring (a), Martin Rasmussen (b), Thomas A. Ulrich and Nancy J. Lybeck (a)
a) Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, b) NTNU Social Research, Trondheim, Norway
88 Risk-informed Context-based Human Reliability Assessment Method
Gueorgui Petkov
Dovre Group Plc, Olkiluoto, Finland
W12 Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety III
346 On the Reliability of Experts’ Assessments for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Risk of Loss Prediction: Are Optimists better than Pessimists?
Mario P. Brito and Yujia Chang
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
340 Concept Development for a Test Rig and Analysis of the Experiments for Standardized Testing of Shape Memory Alloys
Marcin Hinz, Alexander Czechowicz (b), Dominik Brueggemann (a), Peter Dueltgen (b), and Stefan Bracke (a)
a) University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany, b) Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e.V. (FGW), Remscheid, Germany
210 Performance of Empirical Bayes Estimation Techniques Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessment on Failure Data collected in U.S NRC Reactor Operating Experience Database
Andrei Gribok, Vivek Agarwal, and Vaibhav Yadav
Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, MS 3818, Idaho Falls, ID/td>
299 Commentary on Use of Model-Augmented Data Analytics for Improved Operational Efficiency of Nuclear Power Plants
Katrina Groth (a) and Michelle Bensi (b)
a) UMD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College Park, MD, USA, b) UMD, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College Park, MD, USA
W13 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis II
49 Minimal-Dispersion and Maximum-Likelihood Predictors with a Linear Staircase Structure
Luis G. Crespo, Sean P. Kenny, and Daniel P. Giesy
Dynamic Systems and Controls Branch, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
56 Moment-Matching Predictor Models with a Linear Staircase Structure
Luis G. Crespo, Sean P. Kenny, and Daniel P. Giesy
Dynamic Systems and Controls Branch, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
102 Sensitivity Strategy Supporting the Estimate of Extremely Low Probabilities
Cédric J. Sallaberry, Robert E. Kurth
Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus (Emc2) Columbus, OH, USA
W14 Internal Hazards PSA/PRA II
70 Internal Hazards PSA/PRA II
Gurgen Kanetsyan (a), Armen Amirjanyan, and Zoltan Kovacs (b)
a) Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Yerevan, Armenia, b) RELKO Ltd., Bratislava, Slovak Republic
320 Estimation of Fire Frequencies in Low Power and Shutdown Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tae-Wook Kang, Dong-Kyu, Myung-Ro Kim, Jae-Gab Kim
KEPCO E&C, Gim-Cheon, Republic of Korea
376 Analysis of Possible Aging Trends in the Estimation of Piping System Failure Rates for Internal Flooding PRA
B.O.Y. Lydell (a), K.N. Fleming (b), and J-F. Roy (c)
a) Sigma-Phase Inc., Vail, AZ, USA, b) KNF Consulting Services LLC, Spokane, WA, USA, c) Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA
W15 External Hazard PSA/PRA III
146 A Level 1 Fire PRA on PGSFR
Kilyoo Kim, Sanghoon Han, KwiLim Lee
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejon, Korea
153 External Event Evaluations for the Design Phase PRA of Hanhikivi 1
Juho Helander
Fennovoima, Helsinki, Finland
237 Probabilistic Seismic Safety Assessment Concept and Application for Seismic Isolated NPP structures Considering a Clearance to Hard Stop
Min Kyu Kim (a), Jung Han Kim (b)
a) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea, b) Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea
W16 Consequence Modeling and Management I
306 Application of Resilience Metrics to Nuclear Accident Consequence Assessment
Kampanart Silva and Wasin Vechgama
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Nayok, Thailand
401 Open Comprehensive Nuclear Events Database
Spencer Wheatley, Wolfgang Kröger, Lan Chen, and Didier Sornette
ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
128 A Sensitivity Study on Effective Protection Measures for Consequence Analysis
Sunghyun Park, Seunghyun Jang , Dohyun Lima and Moosung Jae
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
W17 Nuclear Industry II
190 Evaluation of Operation Strategy of Passive and Active Safety Systems during SBLOCA
Sang Hee Kang, Sun Heo, Sang Won Lee and Hyun Gook Kang
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd, 70,1312 Beongil, Yuseoung-Daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
358 Sodium Valve Performance in the NaSCoRD Database
Matthew R. Denman, Zach Stuart, and Zachary K. Jankovsky
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
366 Preliminary Study of Automated Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Event Reports Based on Natural Language Processing Techniques
Yunfei Zhao, Xiaoxu Diao, and Carol Smidts
Nuclear Engineering Program, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
383 Application of a Method to Estimate Risk in Advanced Nuclear Reactors: A Case Study on the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment
Brandon Chisholm, Steve Krahn (a), Amir Afzali (b), and Eric Harvey (c)
a) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA, b) Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL, USA, c) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA, USA
W21 Organizational Factors and Safety Culture
109 Barriers to Proactive Population Relocation in Preparation for Coastal Flooding
Vicki M. Bier
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
182 Mapping Methodical Change in Safety Culture
Kaupo Viitanen (a), Teemu Reiman (b), Carl Rollenhagen (c), and Nadezhda Gotcheva (d)
a) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland, b) Lilikoi Consulting, Lohja, Finland, c) Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden and Vattenfall AB, Stockholm, Sweden, d) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Tampere, Finland
194 Safety Culture Assurance in the Supply Chain of a NPP Construction Project
Teemu Reiman (a) and Kaupo Viitanen (b)
a) Fennovoima Oy, Helsinki, Finland, b) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland
W22 Prognostics & System Health Management II
301 Fusing More Frequent and Accurate Structural Damage Information from One Location to Assess Damage at another Location with Less Information
Roohollah Heidary, Katrina M. Groth, and Mohammad Modarres
Systems Risk and Reliability Analysis Lab, Center for Risk and Reliability, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
348 A Significance of Condition-Based Probabilistic Risk Assessment Using Data-At-Scale: A Case Study (Presentation Only)
Vaibhav Yadav, Andrei Gribok, Curtis Smith
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, USA
413 A PHM Architecture Based on Hybrid of Model and Data for Electronic Products
Jiamin Liu, Weiwei Hu,and Wenjin Zhang
School of Reliability and System Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
427 Reliability-based Approach to the Assessment of Hydrate Formation Probability in Deep-sea Wet-gas Pipelines
Chaoyu Ruan, Zhiqiang Hou, Xin Lu (a), Bohui Shi (b)
a) China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China, b) Technology National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety, China University of Petroleum-Beijing,Beijing China
W23 Dynamic PSA/PRA III
228 Integrating Classical PRA Models Into Dynamic PRA
D. Mandelli, C. Smitha, and A. Alfonsi
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls (ID), USA
193 Convergence of Varied Surrogate Models for Seismic Dynamic PRA/PSA
Brian Cohn (a), Jieun Hur (b), Richard Denning, Tunc Aldemir (a), Halil Sezen (b)
a) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University Columbus, USA, b) Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, The Ohio State University Columbus, USA
203 Introduction and Demonstration of the I&AB Quantification Method as Implemented with Risk Spectrum PSA
Ola Bäckström (a), Marc Bouissou (b), Rory Gamble, Pavel Krčál, Johan Sörman and Wei Wang (a)
a) Lloyd’s Register, Stockholm, Sweden, b) EDF, Paris, France
207 Modelling Component Failure Rates Utilizing Sensor-Based Degradation Data
Vaibhav Yadav, Vivek Agarwal, Andrei V. Gribok, and Curtis L. Smith
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA
W24 Risk and Hazard Analysis III
123 Studying Parameters for Changing the Initial Particle Arrangements of Distinct Element Analysis in Earthquake Response Based on Slope Analysis
Taiki Yoshida, Masato Nakajima, and Hitoshi Tochigi
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Abiko, Japan
150 Smart Grids: Challenges of Processing Heterogeneous Data for Risk Assessment
Michael Pacevicius (a,b), Davide Roverso (a), Pierluigi Salvo Rossi (c) and Nicola Paltrinieri (b)
a) eSmart Systems, Halden, Norway, b) Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, c) Kongsberg Digital, Trondheim, Norway/td>
157 Study on Volcanic Ash Fall Hazard and Road Network Disruption Risk due to Eruption of Fuji Volcano
Kazuaki Torisawa (a) and Harumi Yashiro (b)
a) Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan, b) National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan
432 The Impact of the Number of Experts on Prediction Accuracy
Ali Mosleh (a), Ellis Feldman (b)
a) The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences UCLA, USA, b) Self, Maryland, USA
W25 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis III
233 State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses Project: Sequoyah Uncertainty Analysis Methods and Insights
S. Tina Ghosh (a), and Doug Osborn, Nathan Bixler, Kyle Ross, Dusty Brooks (b)
a) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, USA, b) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
75 Sampling Size Issue in PRA Uncertainty Analysis
Chunrui Deng
Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu, China
141 Uncertainty Analysis for Input Parameters of Electrical Cabinet Fire Simulation by Coupling Latin Hypercube Sampling and CFAST
Wanhong Wang (a), Dahuan Zhu (b), Hui Bao (c), Yun Guo, Changhong Peng (a)
a) School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China, b) Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, c) Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Auhui, China
W26 Water and Land Transportation IV
337 Determination of the Storage Number of LPG Tank Container Based on Quantitative Risk Analysis
Qing Xia, Jian Guo, Haiqi Tang and Hualing Wu
China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China
410 Research on Application of Holographic Navigation Marks in the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River
Geng Jiezhea, Hu Yuchang, Jiang Lili, Han Chao
China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China
362 Discussion on Container Dangerous Goods Stockpile Management Based on Quantitative Risk Assessment
Zhijun Chen, Yuan Gao (a), Hong Fan (b), Qing Xia, Haiqi Tang, Yafei Zhou (a)
a) China Waterborne Transport Institute, b) Beijing Transport Safety and Health Technical Consultation Institute
422 Construction of Safety Risk Management Platform for Storage Tank Concentration Zone in the Port Area
Yuchang Hu, Liansheng Xu, Tiansheng Xie, Fengyun Chen, Lili Jiang, Baoqing Zhou
China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing, China
W27 Resilience Engineering
10 A Comparative Study of Risk and Resilience and Their Affiliation in Maritime Safety Research
Tengfei Wang (a,b,c), Yang Wang (a,b), Shanshan Fu (a,b,d) and Bing Wu (a,b)
a) Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan Hubei, China, b) National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety, Wuhan Hubei, China, c) School of Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan Hubei, China, and d) College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
172 The Model of Resilience in Situation: Its Contribution to the Crisis Management Analysis and Improvement
P. Le Bot, C. De la Garza, Q. Baudard
EDF R&D, Palaiseau, France
330 Building Critical Infrastructure Resilience – Cross-Sectoral Comparison of Vital Operational Tasks and Practices
Miltos Kyriakidis (a), Vinh N. Dang, and Stefan Hirschberg (b)
a) ETH Zurich, Future Resilient Systems, Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore, b) Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
385 Improving Community Resilience through Post-Disaster Temporary Housing Optimization
Daniel V. Perrucci and Hiba Baroud
Vanderbilt University, Department of Civil Engineering, Nashville, USA
WG Wednesday Gala
Did the US Nonresponse to Piper Alpha Lead Directly to Deepwater Horizon?
Rogerl L. McCarthy
Senior Fellow, The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, UCLA