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Lead Author: Askin Guler Co-author(s): Andrew Worrall worralla@ornl.gov
George Flanagan flanagangf@ornl.gov
Development and Capabilities of the Molten Salt Reactors Reliability Database
Molten Salt Reactors Reliability Database (MOSARD) developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) aims to help molten salt reactor (MSR) system designers, researchers and regulators to evaluate the reliability of the systems from the knowledge of the components reliability. The collaboration between ORNL, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Vanderbilt University (VU) is aimed at establishing the structure and contents of a component reliability database for MSRs. VU is tasked with collecting Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) component reliability data with the help of ORNL, and EPRI is providing insight to the project from its role as a postulated end user of the database. MOSARD is a timely input for licensing efforts of the advanced MSR designs including the risk-informed, performance-based regulations endorsed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission. MSRE valve reliability data collected from semi-annual reports and operational summaries have been used as an initial data set to create the MOSARD structure and to test the capabilities. The MSRE data builds understanding on causes of failures that lead to premature replacement of control and check valves of the off-gas, cover gas and component cooling systems and provides retrospective but unique lessons learned from the operational experience. The reliability parameters estimated by MOSARD are (1) probability of failure on demand, (2) failure rate during operation (used to calculate failure to run probability), and (3) time trends in reliability parameters.The MOSARD architecture comprises three tiers: from bottom to top the tiers are in order the database, web services, and the user interface. All access to the data will be through the web services, with no direct database connections allowed. Both JSON-RPC (JavaScript Object Notation Remote Procedure Call) and REST (Representational State Transfer) service interfaces will be supported, and requests must satisfy authentication and access controls. The top layer is the Web application providing a user interface for querying data and requesting interactive plots. This paper will summarize the demonstration results for a limited data set of the MSRE and presents capabilities for expanded data would be provided by concentrated salt loop or MSR designers test loop data.
Paper YI337 Preview
Author and Presentation Info
Presentation only, a full paper is not available.
Lead Author Name: Askin Guler Yigitoglu (yigitoglua@ornl.gov)
Bio: Dr. Askin Guler Yigitoglu is a Reactor Systems Modeling and Safety Analysis Staff Member of Advanced Nuclear Safety and Licensing Group under Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division at ORNL. She received her Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the Ohio State University in 2016, where she developed a methodology to incorporate aging effects of passive components into probabilistic risk assessment. She earned her M.S. and B.S. in Nuclear Energy Engineering from Hacettepe University, Turkey. She is the recipient of the 2016 George Apostolakis Fellowship. Her main research interests are probabilistic risk assessment, dynamic reliability modeling of complex systems, Markov models and uncertainty quantification.
Country: United States of America Company: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Job Title: R&D Staff