PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Shawn St. Germain Co-author(s): Robby Christian, robby.christian@inl.gov Vaibhav Yadav, vaibhav.yadav@inl.gov Steven Prescott, steven.prescott@inl.gov
A Risk-Informed Approach to Linked Safety-Security Modeling
The requirements for U.S. nuclear power plants to maintain a large onsite physical security force contribute to their operational costs. The cost of maintaining the current physical security posture is approximately 10% of the overall operation and maintenance budget for commercial nuclear power plants. The goal of the Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) Program Physical Security Pathway is to develop tools, methods, and technologies and provide the technical basis for an optimized physical security posture. The conservatisms built into current security postures may be analyzed and minimized in order to reduce security costs while still ensuring adequate security and operational safety. The research performed at Idaho National Laboratory within LWRS Program Physical Security Pathway has successfully developed dynamic forceon-force (FOF) modeling framework using various computer simulation tools and integrates them with the dynamic assessment Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagrams (EMRALD) tool.

Paper SH288 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Presentation only, a full paper is not available.
Lead Author Name: Shawn St. Germain (shawn.stgermain@inl.gov)

Bio: Shawn St. Germain is the manager of the Reliability, Risk, and Resilience Sciences Department at Idaho National Laboratory. Additionally, he is the principal investigator for the Physical Security Pathway work at INL, an LWRS program that seeks to improve the efficiency of physical security at commercial nuclear power plants through the application of new technologies and risk methods. St. Germain has been with INL more than 15 years and has reactor operations, process engineering and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) experience. He holds a master’s degree in nuclear engineering, an MBA and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He was previously an SRO certified Shift Technical Advisor and Shift Support Supervisor at Columbia Generating Station, a commercial BWR, and a Nuclear Trained Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy.

Country: United States of America
Company: Idaho National Laboratory
Job Title: Manager: Reliability, Risk, and Resilience Sciences

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