PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Marina Roewekamp Co-author(s): Joshua Gordon, Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), United Kingdom Christian Müller, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany
Recent Tasks of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Working Group WGRISK – An Overview
Overall objective of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK) is to permanently advance and extend the understanding of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA ). and facilitate its use and application as an important tool for nuclear safety assessment. WGRISK therefore conducts a variety of activities for risk related information exchange between member countries` experts enhancing the use of this tool in order to improve safety. In the recent past, WGRISK has successfully completed an activity on “Comparative Application of DIGital I&C Modelling Approaches for PSA (DIGMAP)”. A follow-on activity titled “DIGMORE – A Realistic Comparative Application of DI&C Modelling Approaches for PSA” aiming on supporting the improvement of the probabilistic assessment methodology by providing guidance for PSAs with respect to digital I&C (DI&C) systems (including relevant aspects of their hardware and software). Other currently ongoing or to be started activities are the following: - “PSA for Reactor Facilities of a Singular Design”, where a workshop shall be organized in early 2022 for exchanging experiences from and practices for performing PSAs for reactor facilities such as first-of-a-kind, prototype or demonstration, and research reactors, - “PSA for Reactor Facilities of a Singular Design”, where a symposium will be organized in early 2022 for exchanging experiences from and practices for performing PSAs for reactor facilities such as first-of-a-kind, prototype or demonstration, and research reactors, - “Dynamic PSA – Preparing for the Future” addressing the potential for dynamic PSA in risk-informed decision-making (RIDM) as well as feasibility and practical challenges for increased adoption of dynamic PSA, - “Combinations of External Hazards – Hazard and Impact Assessment and Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) for Nuclear Installations” as a joint activity of WGRISK and the Working Group on External Events (WGEV) (see separate paper) initiated in 2020 addressing the state-of-the-art in considering combinations of external hazards in the design and safety assessment of nuclear installations, - “Use and Development of PSA – Status Report”, a standard WGRISK task conducted about every five years in order to provide a report on the status of actual developments and applications of the PSA tool in member countries, and - “Treatment of Uncertainties for New and Advanced Reactors” intended to be started in summer 2022 in order to get a better understanding how – in light of several types of new and advanced reactors being built in WGRISK member countries – uncertainties in probabilistic risk assessment for these reactors are considered and treated. This paper presents an overview on the ongoing and envisioned activities of the WGRISK.

Paper MA213 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Lead Author Name: Marina Roewekamp (Marina.Roewekamp@grs.de)

Bio: - Diploma in Physics PhD (Dr. rer. nat. In Physical Chemistry / Materials Science) from University of Bonn - Senior Chief Expert for Hazards and PSA at GRS – the Federal German Nuclear Technical Safety Organization – for > 33 years - PSA work: mainly performing and/or reviewing Level 1 PSA, particularly for Internal and External Hazards (incl. hazard combinations) - Member of the German PSA Expert Panel for > 15 years - Former Chair and actual Vice Chair of OECD/NEA/CSNI Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK) - Chair of OECD/NEA CSNI Expert Group on Fire Risk (EGFR) and of Management Board of OECD/NEA FIRE (Fire Events Records Exchange) Project - Consultant and/or reviewer for various IAEA Guides (SSG-64, SSG-67, SSG-68, DS523 (revision of SSG-3 on Level 1 PSA), DS528 (revision of SSG-4 on Level 2 PSA), TECDOCS on MUPSA, Advanced PSA Methods, Safety Assessment of Nuclear Installations Against Combinations of External Hazards, etc. - IAPSAM Board of Directors member since

Country: Germany
Company: Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH
Job Title: Chief Senior Expert

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