Welcome to the PSAM 16 Conference paper and speaker overview page.
Lead Author: Jorge Luis Hernandez Co-author(s): Brinkman, Johannes. L. - brinkman@nrg.eu
McLean Rob (RR) - rob.mclean@brucepower.com
Mandelli, Diego - diego.mandelli@inl.gov
Minibaev, Ruslan - R.Minibaev@iaea.org
Jeon, Hojun - jeonhojun@khnp.co.kr
Hortal, Francisco Javier - jav.hortal@gmail.com
Guigueno, Yves - yves.guigueno@irsn.fr
Nitoi, Mirela - mirela.nitoi@nuclear.ro
Rowekamp, Marina - Marina.Roewekamp@grs.de
Schneider, Raymond - schneire@westinghouse.com
Siu, Nathan - nosiubiz@gmail.com
Presenter of this paper: Marina Roewekamp (marina.roewekamp@grs.de)
Advantages and challenges in implementing advanced Probabilistic Safety Assessment approaches and applications for Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA overview
Authors: Brinkman, J. L.; Jeon, H.; Guigueno, Y.; Hortal, J.; Luis Hernandez, J.; Mandelli, D.; McLean R.; Minibaev, R.; Nitoi, M.; Röwekamp, M.; Schneider, R.; Siu, N..
Considerable progress has been made in recent years on enhancing and extending the probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) approach as well as in its applications.
Aiming to collect current experiences in Member States (MS) related to enhancements and developments in PSA and to develop a related technical document which can be used as a support for future updates of the related IAEA Safety Guides on PSA, IAEA started in 2018 a project supported by extrabudgetary funds from the USA. Consequently, the IAEA performed several Consultancy Meetings from 2019 to 2021 and two major Technical Meetings in 2019 and 2020, to draft the technical document compiling current status and experiences in MS regarding new areas considered as advanced PSA approaches and applications. The advanced PSA approaches aim at expanding the traditional PSA approaches by incorporating time related dependencies into the quasi-static Boolean logic structures used in their models.
The PSA approaches considered in the scope of this technical document are the dynamic PSA, the incorporation of ageing aspects in the PSA model, and digital I&C reliability and modelling within PSA. Additionally, the technical document covers the Level 3 PSA that might be considered as a particular “advanced PSA approach”. Those advanced PSA approaches have been subject of many research studies and scientific publications aiming at demonstrating their level of establishment and maturity to provide new risk insights such as better understanding of accident progression or better representation of the risk profile of the plant in time. On the other hand, advanced applications of PSA enhance the traditional PSA approach by incorporating the combination of hazards, the modelling of non-permanent equipment in PSA, and the use of Level 2 PSA in the development of Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG). It is widely accepted that the introduction of those advanced applications in the PSA models provides new insights in relation to both system analysis and reliability data (including equipment, human performance and common cause failures data).
The results of the project have highlighted that currently those advanced PSA approaches and applications have been consolidated however there is no overall consensus among MS and PSA practitioners regarding their implementation acceptance. Therefore, for each of the selected approaches and applications, the technical document focuses on providing an overview of the current status of development, their advantages as well as on challenges and open issues related to their implementation.
This paper focuses on summarizing the advantages and challenges identified through this project on each of the selected advanced PSA approaches and applications. The paper concludes with an analysis aiming at enhancing the understanding of advantages and challenges of incorporating such advanced PSA approaches into the safety assessment for nuclear power plants with the hope to contribute to the efforts of strengthening nuclear safety.
Paper J.145 Preview
Author and Presentation Info
Lead Author Name: Jorge Luis Hernandez (J.Luis-Hernandez@iaea.org)
Bio: Mr. Jorge Luis Hernandez is a Nuclear Safety Officer at the IAEA where he contributes to and lead the development of several publications in the field of safety assessment such as the IAEA safety guide on Level 2 PSA and the TECDOCs on Advanced PSA Approaches and Applications for NPPs, and Approach and Methodology for the Development of Regulatory Safety Requirements for Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors: case study on SMRs. He holds a M.Sc. in Nuclear Safety Engineering and has 28 years of experience in the field of safety assessment for nuclear reactors, including SMRs. He worked for the nuclear safety authority of Cuba and for technical support organizations in France and Germany. He led and contributed to European Commission INSC projects to support the harmonization of best practices in nuclear safety around the world. He has actively contributed to several international working groups such as MDEP, ETSON, CSNI and the SMR Regulators’ Forum.
Country: Austria Company: International Atomic Energy Agency Job Title: Nuclear Safety Officer
Bio: - Diploma in Physics PhD (Dr. rer. nat. In Physical Chemistry / Materials Science) from University of Bonn
- Senior Chief Expert for Hazards and PSA at GRS – the Federal German Nuclear Technical Safety Organization – for > 33 years
- PSA work: mainly performing and/or reviewing Level 1 PSA, particularly for Internal and External Hazards (incl. hazard combinations)
- Member of the German PSA Expert Panel for > 15 years
- Former Chair and actual Vice Chair of OECD/NEA/CSNI Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK)
- Chair of OECD/NEA CSNI Expert Group on Fire Risk (EGFR) and of Management Board of OECD/NEA FIRE (Fire Events Records Exchange) Project
- Consultant and/or reviewer for various IAEA Guides (SSG-64, SSG-67, SSG-68, DS523 (revision of SSG-3 on Level 1 PSA), DS528 (revision of SSG-4 on Level 2 PSA), TECDOCS on MUPSA, Advanced PSA Methods, Safety Assessment of Nuclear Installations Against Combinations of External Hazards, etc.
- IAPSAM Board of Directors member since
Country: Germany Company: Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH Job Title: Chief Senior Expert