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Lead Author: HAO-TI HSU Co-author(s): PO-JUNG, CHIU ; PJChiu@iner.gov.tw
The Fire Scenario Study for Multiple Spurious Operation via BWR
The approach in this study is based on the fire PRA methodology issued by the USNRC, i.e. NUREG/CR-6850, complemented by the experiences gained from the past fire PRAs. It is aimed at upgrading the current fire PRA models of Kuosheng nuclear power plant. The fire PRA adopts a progressive screening process in terms of realisticity, screening qualitatively and quantitatively by fire compartment, then by fire scenario, until the most realistic scenario-based fire risk model is developed and quantified as possible. To quantify the fire risk, the failure modes and associated probabilities of fire damaged equipment and cables are also investigated. High risk cables also identified and need to analysis hot short and multiple spurious operations (MSOs).
Detailed fire analysis encompasses single compartment fire scenarios, main Control Room fire scenarios and multi-compartment fire scenarios. M56B single compartment was chosen as case study. The potential high fire ignition source will be examined in more detail and develop fire scenarios. Those include equipment, cable, transient ignition sources and MSOs. The related MSOs occupied larger proportions of the total fire risk. However, it was assumed all the cable in the same scenario can introduce MSOs. In the future we will discuss more realistic.
Paper HT61 Preview
Author and Presentation Info
Lead Author Name: HAO-TI HSU (hthsu@iner.gov.tw)
Country: Taiwan Company: Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Job Title: Assistant Researcher