PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Cesare Frepoli Co-author(s): Jarrett Valeri, jarrett.valeri@fpolisolutions.com, Robert P. Martin, rpmartin@bwxt.com
Currently, many advanced reactor designs are under development in the U.S., promising sustainable solutions to the growing world energy needs. In response, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is moving forward with development of the 10 CFR Part 53 rulemaking, which will establish a new risk-informed framework for licensing and regulating such new designs. The motivation has been to develop a technology-agnostic regulatory framework; but in practice, it is important that the new rule is used and is useful, meaning that there is no unreasonable increase in regulatory burden and thus to the scope to the safety assessment. This is because the risk assessment is now folded in the design process itself, rather than being a simple confirmatory step of the design. Such a level of sophistication is only possible and practical in a highly automated and scrutable digital framework. This paper describes a solution to this problem. An agile, generic, digital platform, called FPoliAAP, was developed to facilitate orchestration of complex workflows, taking advantage of modern software development and data management tactics while leveraging recent technologies developed at national laboratories such as Idaho National Laboratory’s (INL) RAVEN and EMRALD frameworks. FPoliAAP is a suite of applications (or services) which, in the aggregate, can be seen as a ”wizard” or smart procedure to help developers and regulators navigate through the process of building a transparent safety case. One of these applications is called Risk-Informed System Engineering (RISE). At a high level, the vision behind RISE has been to fully automate the workflow that connects the physical reality of the plant to its virtual representation in modeling (sometimes called the plant Digital Twin) to readily produce output which aids users in making risk-informed decisions that demonstrate the plant safety case consistent with RG 1.203, RG 1.233 and 10 CFR Part 53. For the sole purpose of training and illustration here, the RISE technology is presented using a simple metamodel that describes a PWR during a postulated Station Black Out (SBO) event. The simple model was applied to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) in an earlier edition of NURETH and is used here as a trivial, but representative, abstraction of the ”digital-twin” element considered within modern evaluation models (EMs).

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