PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Diego Mandelli Co-author(s): Congjian Wang, congjian.wang@inl.gov
From machine learning to machine reasoning: a model-based approach to analyze equipment reliability data
In current nuclear power plants (NPPs) a large amount of condition-based data which can be used to assess and monitor component health and performance. Assessing component health from such data can be performed with a large variety of methods. While the analysis of numeric data can be performed with several methods, the extraction of information from textual data remains a challenge. Currently employed natural language processing (NLP) methods do not really provide quantitative information that might be contained in IRs. In addition, the integration of numeric and textual data to identify possible causal relationships between data elements is still an unresolved challenge. This paper presents an approach to extract information from textual (e.g., incident or maintenance reports) and numeric data that relies on model based system engineer (MBSE) models. MBSE are diagrams designed to represent system and component dependencies (from both a form and functional point of view). In our approach, MBSE models emulate system engineer knowledge about component/system architecture. NLP methods are employed to perform syntactic and semantic analyses. Syntactic analysis analyzes the grammatical structure of a sentence while semantic analysis is designed to analyze the logic structure of a sentence. An innovative element of our approach is that semantic analysis uses MBSE models to identify links between textual elements. Similarly, numeric data is directly linked to elements of the MBSE models in order to map which functions are being monitored.

Paper DI318 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Presentation only, a full paper is not available.
Lead Author Name: Diego Mandelli (diego.mandelli@inl.gov)


Country: United States of America
Company: Idaho National Laboratory
Job Title: R&D Scientist