Welcome to the PSAM 16 Conference paper and speaker overview page.
Lead Author: Camila Correa-Jullian Co-author(s): John McCullough jmccull@ucla.edu
Marilia Ramos marilia.ramos@ucla.edu
Jiaqi Ma jiaqima@ucla.edu
Enrique Lopez Droguett eald@ucla.edu Ali Mosleh mosleh@ucla.edu
Presenter of this paper: Marilia Ramos (marilia.ramos@ucla.edu)
Safety Hazard Identification for Autonomous Driving Systems Fleet Operations in Mobility as a Service
The safe and reliable operation of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) in the context of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) depends on a multitude of factors external to the vehicle’s functionality and performance. In particular, it is expected that Level 4 ADS operations are supported by the actions of remote operators, specifically during the initial stages of deployment. In the future, fleet operators are expected to work with one or multiple ADS developers as technology providers to transform their fleets. Therefore, fleet management of ADS vehicles involved in MaaS will play an important role in ensuring traffic safety. In this work, we consider the role of fleet operators as separate entities than ADS developers. Fleet operators functions comprise a fleet management center (FMC), where the ADS vehicle is monitored and supervised, and an operations center (OPC), focused on vehicle inspection, maintenance and storage. Based on a L4 ADS MaaS system breakdown and identification of critical operational stages, we identify operational hazards through Event Sequence Diagram (ESD) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). The analysis highlights the role of the FMC and OPC in ensuring the correct operation of the vehicle and acting as a safety barrier for preventing or mitigating incidents.
Paper CC273 Preview
Author and Presentation Info
Lead Author Name: Camila Correa-Jullian (ccorreaj@ucla.edu)
Country: United States of America Company: UCLA Job Title: PhD Student