PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Bruce Hallbert
Sustaining the Existing Fleet of Light Water Reactor
Sustaining the value of the US nuclear power fleet can be achieved through cost-effective, reliable operation to deliver diversity, robustness, environmental benefits, and national leadership. Many owners plan to operate nuclear plants for 60 years and more to capture this value. Doing so requires ensuring the integrity of key materials and the economic viability of these plants in current and future energy markets. This paper presents a summary of research activities conducted by the DOE-sponsored Light Water Reactor Sustainability program to address key issues pertaining to the continued operation of the existing fleet of operating light water reactors.

Paper BR12 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Presentation only, a full paper is not available.
Lead Author Name: Bruce Hallbert (bruce.hallbert@inl.gov)

Bio: Dr. Hallbert has over 30 years of experience in the international nuclear power industry serving in a variety of positions of organizational responsibility, in engineering and safety analysis, research & development concerning the safety and efficiency of current and future nuclear energy and fuel cycle systems and technologies.

Country: United States of America
Company: Idaho National Laboratory
Job Title: Director, Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program