Topic Areas
Scope of the Conference
This Conference will be the major international event in probabilistic safety assessment and management (PSAM) for 2018. The Conference will present and discuss innovative methodologies and the practical applications of these technologies in both reliability analysis and PSA. The Conference will focus on the improvement of performance and safety of complex technological systems, economics, and environment — accentuating a broad PSA application and the human element. Domains will be broad to ensure the cross-fertilization of methods, technologies and ideas.

Risk Assessment Methods
Risk and Hazard Analyses
Risk Governance and Societal Safety
Risk Informed Applications
Risk Perception and Communication
External Hazard PSA/PRA
Site Level (Multi-Unit, Multi-Source) PSA/PRA
Industrial Safety
Accident Analysis and Modeling
Consequence Modeling and Management
Environmental Risk Assessment
Organizational Factors and Safety Culture
Policy Making and Legislative Issues
Internal Hazards PSA/PRA
Dynamic PSA/PRA
Human Factors and Human Reliability
Resilience Engineering
Reliability Analysis
Dependence Modeling and Analysis
Maintenance Modelling and Optimization
Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety
Prognostics and System Health Management
Structural Reliability Analysis Methods
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis

Application Areas

Aeronautics and Aerospace
Chemical and Petrochemical Processes Industry
Information Technology and Telecommunication
Water and Land Transportation
Maritime and Offshore Technology
Natural Hazards
Nuclear Industry
Occupational Safety
Oil and Gas Industry
Health and Medicine
Automotive Engineering
Water and Land Transportation (New)