ISBN 0-444-01592-2 (Volume 1)
ISBN 0-444-01594-9 (Set)
Regulatory Use of Probabilistic Risk Assessments: Evaluation and
Feedback of Operating Experience
P. Lam and J. Rosenthal
Regulatory Use of PRA: A Northeast Utilities Perspective
M.V. Bonaca and D A. Dube
Use of PRA Techniques in the Evaluation and Design of the Advanced
Boiling Water Reactor
J.D. Duncan and C.E. Buchholz
Aims and Suggestions Concerning an Integrated PSA Approach to
Structural and System Reliability
P. Kafka, H. Adrian, and H. Andersson
An Observation on Human Performance and Safety: The Onion Model of
Human Performance Influence Factors
J. Wreathall, D. L. Schurrnan and N. A. Anderson
One Search for Measures of Maintenance Effectiveness in Safety
J. Wreathall and P. Appignani
Organizational Factors Research for Regulatory Use
E. Lois and T.G. Ryan
A Method for Evaluation and Integration of Safety
Performance Indicators
A. Mosleh, N. Grossman and M. Modarres
The Role of Quantitative Risk Analysis in the Implementation of Risk
Management and Prevention Programs
R. J. Mulvihill
Space Station Freedom Quantitative Risk Assessment Program 55
U. R. Faller, B. J. Garrick and J.C. Lin
Industnal Area Risk Management Through Risk Analysis Techniques 61
G. M. Uguccioni, S. Senni, S. De Sanctis, P. Vestrucci and G.
Probabilistlc Risk Analysis for Test Area North Hot Shop Storage Pool
B. M. Meale and D. G. Satterwhite
The Health Physics Research Reactor Probabilistic Risk Assessment
D. H. Johnson, G. S. Flanagan, L. D. Proctor and M. B. A. Linn
Modeling Issues Associated with Production Reactor Safety Assessment
D W Stack and W.R. Thomas
Level-l PRA for High Flux Bearn Reactor (HFBR)
MA A~-arm, RA. Bari, T1. Chu, and L. Oliveira
A Methodology for Incorporating Future CliTnate Change into
Time-Dependent Assessment Models for the Deep Geological Disposal of
Radloactlve Wastes in the UIC
C.M Goodess, J.P. Palutikof, and T.D. Davies
Risk-Based Approach to Determination of Emergency Planning Zones for
the Republic of China
kN Fleming, and C.-Y. Yang
Seismlc Margins Systems Analysis for Hatch Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant
DD. Orvis, P Moieni, R. Murray, and P. Prassinos
Decision .~nalysis for Earthquake Hazards Reduction
GL Hamm and B. Wong
Regulatory Decisionmaking and Safety Assessments Affecting the New
Commercial Space Transportation Industry
N.C. Bowles
NASA Risk Management
C.W. Mertz
Deciding Among Candidate Risk Reduction Strategies: A Space Flight
M.V. Frank
Nuclear Risk Assessment for Galileo and Ulysses
B. Buchbinder
A Basis for Development of Risk-Based Industrial Standards
H.W. Goodner
Guidelines for the Fire-Related Hazard Analysis of Electrical Cables in
Industrial Environment
D M. Karydas, A. Tewarson, and JL. Temple
Methods for Calculation of Damage Resulting from Physical Effects of the
Accidental Release of Dangerous Materials
G. Opschoor, R.O.M. van Loo, and H J. Pasman
A Probabilistic Assessment of the Initiation of hres of Electrical Origin
DM. Karydas and J. Steciak
Assessing Organizational Safety in Adapting, Learning Systems: Empirical
Studies of Nuclear Power
A A. Marcrus and ML. Nichols
PSAM Applications in Chemical Plant Risk Management
R J. Mulvihill and DH. Horner
Experiences and Current Developmcnt in Safety and Risk Analysis in the
Nordic Process Industry
J Suokas
Unccrtainties in Chemical Risk Assessment: Lessons Learnt from a
European Benchmark Exercise
S Contini, A. Amendola, and I. Ziomas
A Preliminary Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) on the Importation of
Chilean Llamas into the United States
S Kaplan and R. Olsen
Safetv Performance and Life Cycle Cost of Computerized Safety Shutdown
L. Bodsberg, P. Hokstad, and T. Onshus
Cosl Risk Benefit Analysis of Offshore Platforms A Case Study
S. Haugen and IJ.E. Vinnem
Perspectlves on the Use of Probabilistic Model Systems in the Performance
Assessment of Final Repositories for Nuclear Waste
K 4ndersson
Use of Performance Assessment in a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository
at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
J.R Dvet and U-Sun Park
Use of a Probabilistic Approach for Determining Compliance with the
Environrnental Protection Agency's High-Level Radioactive Waste
Disposal Standards
MA. Bauser
Qualitative and Quantitative Safety Assessment Supporting the Process
Plants' Design
R. Koivisto and P. Heino
Major Hazards Regulation in the European Community
A. Amendola
Probabilistic Safety Analysis of an Arnmonia Storage Plant
IA. Papazoglou, O. Aneziris, M. Christou, and Z. Nivolianitou
The Application of Risk Assessment Techniques to Offshore Oil and Gas
Platfonns-Some Practical Observations
D.P. Mantield, P.D. Michell, and M. Finucane
High-Resolution Vulnerability Methods and Applications
PH. Deitz and A. Ozolins
Navy Vulnerability Assessment Methodology
DS. Hall
U.S. Air Force Vulnerability Analysis Techniques and Applications
G. Bennett
Safety and Anning Device Analysis
DS. Hall
XEB Analysis of Incidents and Accidents in the Processing Industries
O. Svenson
Shiftwork and Safety-The Irnportance of Shift Scheduling for Safe
K. Dahlgren
Uncertamty and Sensitivity Analysis of an Oil and Cable Fire Simulation
with the Code CRDLOC
E Hofer, H. Jahn, and B. Krzykacz
A Reliabilitry Analysis by the GO-FLOW Methodology: An Analysis of
Emergency Core Cooling System of Marine Reactor under Fire Accident
T Matsuoka, M. Kobayashi, and K. Takemura
The Development of a Fire Risk Assessment Model (FRAM)
U G B Phlllips
Risk Analysis for Fire Protection Systems in Nuclear Weapon Assembly
J Chang, L. Fry, M. Grant, V. Ho, S. Huang, and L. Yee
Risk Assessments for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities
O S Wang, J.T. Baxter, GA. Coles, M.R.Harker,LD. Muhlestein, M.V.
Shuk,, R J. Van Vleet, and M.D. Zentner
The Rlsks Associated with Metal, Semivolatile, and Volatile Emissions
from Hazardous Waste Incinerators
R M Sedrnan and J.R. Esparza
Early- 1990 Status of Perfommance Assessmenl for the Waste Isolation Pilot
Plant Dlsposal System
S.G Berrram-Howery and PA. Swift
The Rlsk Management of Rare Geological Hazards
G Uoo
Prellrnmary Idenefication of Scenarios for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,
Southeastem New Mexico
R.l . Guzowski
Reduced-Scope Seismic Analysis Accomplished Using Probabilistic Risk
Assessment Techniques
V. Lucero and B.M. Meale
A Revised Rislc Assessment Guide for Explosions at Rocky Flats
L.F. Restrepo
The High Flux Isotope Reactor Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Its
Application in Risk Assessment
DH. Johnson, G.F. Flanagan, L.D. Proctor, and MA. Linn
An Application of Fault Tree Analysis to Safety Critical Software at Ontario
W.C. Bowrnan, G H. Archinoff, V.M. Raina, D.R. Tremaine, and N.G.
The State of Sofnvare Safety Engineering
A. McKinlay, Vl
Safety Assessment and Management Applied to Software
N.G. Leveson
Embedded System Reliability and Safety Analysis in the UCLA ESSAE
S.B. Guarro, J.S. Wu, G.E. Apostolakis, M. Yau
Human Factors in the Process Industries
R.G. Baron
Reliability Data for Process Plants
P. Hdrnke and U. Hauptmanns
The HIT Method: A Hazard Identification Technique
HH. Howard and CL. Faust
A.D.M.I.R.A.--An Analyncal Dynamic Methodology for Integrated Risk - - Assessment
S. Senni, M.G. Semenza, and R. Galvagni
Dynarnic Event Tree Analysis-An Application to SGTR
N Siu and C. Acosta
Integrated Risk Assessment Program for the Space Shuttle
PA. Robitaille and A. Van Leeawen
Digraph MatrrL AnaSysis (DMA)
IJ Sacks 0
Space Shuttle Main Propulsion System Fault Tolerance Model
E A. O'Hern
Data Collection and Database Techniques to Support Quantification of the
STS MPS Risk Models
PL. Appignani and J.F. Davis
Assessing Human Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds Using a
Multimedia Transport and Transformation Model
T.E McKone
A Risk and Svstems Approach to Toxic Waste Control
W.E Kasient~erg
Status of Curren Research Projects at the Combustion Research Institute
(CRI): Cr(VI) vs Cr(IlI) Emissions; APCD Removal Efficiencies; CRI
Stack Emlsslons Database
M.D. Bailif flnd K.E. Kelly
Real Time Faull Diagnosis for Process Plants
P. Andow
Hurnan System Interaction Measures: An Approach to Irnprove System
H.S. Biachnan
Modeling Air Combat Decisions with Computational and Structural
T.E. Goldsmilh, D.C. McMahon, and R.W. ScAvaneveldt
Software Reliability Measurements in the Operational Environment
R.K Iyer and D Tang
Software Reliability Engineering at AT&T
A. Iannino and ].D. Musa
Measuring Reliability of Embedded Software: An Empirical Study with JPL
Project Data
M.R. Lyu
What Is a Man That He Can Be Expressed by a Number?
E. Hollnagel
A Dynamic Methodology for Evaluating Human Error Probabilities
P.C. Cacciabue and C. Vivalda
A Human Error Taxonomy Based on Cognitive Engineering and Social and
Occupational Psychology
S. Bagnara, C. DiMartino, B. Lisanti, G. Mancini, and A. Rizzo
Influence of Organization and Management on Human Errors
B. Wahlstrom
GO-FLOW: A System Reliability Analysis Methodology
T. Matsuoka and M. Kobayashi
The Sensitivity of Process Control System Interval Reliability to Process
Dynamics-A Case Study
M. Belhadj, M. Hassan, and T. Aldemir
Dynamic Reliability Analysis by DYLAM Methodology: The Case of the
P.C. Cacciabue, A. Carpignano, and G. Cojazzi
Evaluatmg Arms Control Treaty Verification Regimes: A Risk Analysis
T.A. Edmunds and R.S. Strait
Development of an Integrated Safety Management System for DOE
M Marchlik and M. Paradies
Institutsona] Response to Environrnental Risk and Safety
R Zirrznerman
Increased Risk in U.S. Law
P.F Ricc, and L.S. Molton
Transboundany Environmental Risk: The Maquiladora Industry at the
U.S -Mexico Border
D M Perry and P. Cicero
The Managemenl Assessment Guidelines in the Evaluation of Risk
(Managerl Technique
J.C Williarns
On-Line Diagnosis of Process and Manufacturing Operations: The
Integratlon of Knowledge-Based, Neural Net and Conventional Numeric
J F Davis, P.R Prasad, J.K McDowell, JR. Whiteley, KS. Kumar,
DX Rollirr, DR. Myers, and M.S. Gandikota
Plant Failure Diagnosis by an Automated Fault Tree Construction
Consistent with Boundary Conditions
H. Yamashina, II. Kumamoto, and S. Okumura
Dependent Failure Analysis in a PSA
KE. Jankala and J.K Vaurio
Unavailability of Systems Subject to Time-Delay Common Cause Failures
F Zikria and A. Mosleh
On the Inclusion of Organization and Management Factors into
Probabilistic Safety Assessments of Nuclear Power Plants
J.S. Wu, G. Apostolakis, and D. Okrent
Quantitative Operability Analysis: A Study of a Pressure Regulating
Installation on a City Mains
I. Ciarambino, M. Scarrone, and N. Piccinini
Development of an Expert System for Risk Assessment of Complex Oil
Production Systems
A Z. Keller, G. Camrnack, and C. Kara-Zaitri
Probabilistic Systems Assessments of Radioactive Waste Disposal
B.W. Goodwin
The Treatment of Uncertainty in Future States for Radioactive Waste
Disposal Systems
TJ. Swnerling and D.P. Hodgkinson
Treatrnent of Modeling Uncertainties in Total System Safety Assessments
PA. Davis and N.E. Olague
The Formal Elicitation of Expert Judgments for Performance Assessment of
HLW Repositories
D. von Winterfeldt, EJ. Bonano, RL. Keeney, and S.C. Hora
The Use of Related Samples in Assessing Conformance to Safety Goals: A
PRA Example
D.G Brooks
Disaster Scaling: A Multiattribute Approach Based on Fllzzy Set Theory
E Wvler and H. Bohnenblust
A Unified Methodology for Reliability-Based Design of Physical Systems
S.M Carr and G J. Savage
Random Tesiing of Reactor Shutdown System Software
S Petrelia, P Michael, W.C. Bowman, S.T. Lim
Developlng a Standard for the Qualification of Software for Safety System
H T Daughtrey, S H. Levinson, and D.M. Kirnrnel
A SimpllEled Approach for Predicting Radionuclide Releases from Light
Water Reactor Accidents
H P Nourbakhsh and E.G. Cazzoli
Issues of Human Reliability in Risk Analyses
E.M Dou›ghern
HRA and the Modeling of Human Interactions 705 G W Parry and B. Lydell
A Framework for Enhancement of Human and Organizational Reliability of
Complex Technological Systems
N. Meshlzti
On the Irnportance of Modeling Operator Actions in the Individual Plant
Evaluations (IPEs)
A Sharon, B.G. Cassidy, and R J. Harnmersley
Software for Exact System Reliability Calculations
M.O. Locks, J. Pnnkin, and A. Grim
A Petri Net Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Obtaining
Event Sequences from Component Models
T. Kohda and K Inoue
Redundancy Technique for Fail-Safe Design of Systems
K. Nakashima
Safety and Integrity of Large-Scale Dynarnic Systems and Control
Algorithm Structure: The Design Technique
VN. Efanov, V.G. Krymsky, and Y.G. Krymsky
CRACEZ: A Radiological Consequence Model with Improved Modeling of
Dispersion and Evacuation
K. Woodard, T.E. Fenstermacher, and J. Lewis
A Tnal Application of a Methodology for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment
of Underground Disposal of Radioactive Wastes That Accounts for
Long-Terrn Environmental Change
TJ. Sumerling
Probabilistic System Assessment Codes for Radioactive Waste
Management: The Contribution of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
PSAC User Group
DA. Galson, B.G J. Thompson, and A. Nies
Application of Simplified Reliability Methods for Safety Assessment of a
Coastal Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
S. Teng and C. Lee
Application of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Techniques Dunng Design
Phase for Dry Storage Casks
B.P. Hallbert, D.G. Satterwhite, and 8M. Meale
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Techniques Help in Identifying Optimal
Equipmenl Design for In-Sinl Vitriflcation m
V. Lucero, B.M. Meale, and FI. Purser
Probabilisuc Risk Assessment Techniques Help Identify Potendal Hazards
in Vapor Vacuum Extraction
Lucero, TI . Wierman, and F E. Purser
PRA, Desip Bases, and Severe Accidents
J Meyer and D. Bunch
PC-FTA: An Expert System for Fault Tree Construction
M Sckwarzblat, J.C. Baker, J.W. Anderson, and J.E. Smith
Direct Evaluation of Systems Using Expert System Technology
M Modarres
Expert System Reasoning Under Uncertainty
X Yang and D Okrent
Use of Expert Systems in Nuclear Safety
M Dusic
An EvaJuatlon of Current Human Reliability Assessment Methods
A J Spvgin and P. Moieni
An Approach for Assessment of the Reliability of Cognitive Response for
Nuclear Power Plant Operating Crews
AS Beare, C.D. Gaddy, G.W. Parr~, and A. Singh
Practical Application of Cognitive Models to Human Reliability Analysis
J.R Taylor
Human Reliaoility Assessment in Loviisa 1 PSA
J.K l aurjo and U.M. Vuorio
Data Needs for Cornrnon Cause Failure Analysis
G.W. Parry, H.M. Paula, D. Rasmuson, and D. Whitehead
Data Development and Data Analysis Within NASA: Exarnples from a Mot
M.V. Frank
The Use of Unusual Occurrence Reports Within the Development of a
Dependent Failures Databank
I.K Gibson and R.H. Mattheovs
Review of PRA-Based Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants
R J. Budnitz
Consideration of Seismic Events in Severe Accidents
G B. Kelly, R.M. Kenneally, N.C. Chokshi, and A J. Murphy
Definition of Seismic Hazard for Use in Seismic Risk Assessment
DL. Bernreuter, JB. Savy, and R.W. Mensing
Seismic Risk Analysis of Conventional and Chemical Facilities
M K Ravindra and WH. Tong
Parameter Estimation Techniques and Uncertainty in Ground-Water Flow
Model Predictions
DA. Zimmerman and PA. Davis
WIPP Performance Assessment: A 1990 Snapshot of Compliance with 40
CFR 191, Subpart B
DR. (RIP) Anderson, M.G. Marietta, and S.G. Bertram- Howery
CAMCON: Computer System for Assessing Regulatory Compliance of the
Waste [solation Pilot Plant
R.P. Rechard
Use of PC-Based Integrated Core Damage Models for Decision Making at
Nuclear Power Plants
S.D. Weeraklcody and J. Phillabaum
Risk-Based Priorities for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant
T.V. Vo, T.T. Taylor, FA. Simonen, SR. Doctor, D.G. Harrison, and
B.F. Gore
Generic Risk-Based Inspection Guidance for Auxiliary Peedwater Systems
BE. Gore, T.V. Vo, and D.G. Harrison
Probabilistic Analysis of Safety Management Policies Under Annunciated
T. Inagaki and K Inoue
Development of Expert Systems to Support System Reliability Analysis
H. Takahnshi, Y Kisamura, and A. Takahash
Interactmg Expert Systems for Plant Safety Analysis
A Poacet
An Expert System Approach That Can Cope with Uncertainties Including
Spurlous Sensor Signals for Fault Diagnoses of Engineered Systems
Q Zhang D Okrent, G. Apostolakis, and S. Guarro
Multlvanate Analysis ARroach to Predicting Event Tirning Based on
Temporal Knowledge Base for Application to Computerized System for
Radiological Emergency Response
T Ishigam., Y Yarnamoto, T. Hata, F. Kawakabo, and K. Kobayashi
Operator Action Sequence Simulation
I C Boy Santucci, and P. Vestrucci
Cognltive Environment Simulation: A Tool for Modeling Operator
Cognitive Perforrnance During Emergencies
E M Roth, H E Pople Jr., and D.D. Woods
Interprelation of Simulator Data in the Context of Human Reliability
A J Spurgzr and P Moieni
Multicntena Event Tree Analysis for Evaluation of Construction Safety
Z.A. Eldukair and B.M. Ayyub
Multiobjective Decision Support Spaces for Optimum Design of
Nondetermiriistic Structural Systems
D.M. FranRopol and M. Iizaka
Safety Assessment of Existing Structures
DA. Reed
Living with the Risks of Risk Communication
M. Schudson
Concept and Preliminary Results of the Level 1 PSA for the Brunsbuttel
Nuclear Power Station
H. Ohimeyer and B. Schubert
PRA Program on NPP TVO
R. Himanen and A. Toivola
PSA as a Safety Improvement Tool for Loviisa NPS
B. MoAsen and J.K Vaurio
Development of the Living PSA System for a Nuclear Power Plant
M. Sanrni, M. Fukada, K Hasegawa, and S. Kojima
Application of RISKMAN 2.0 to the Beaver Valley Power Station IPE
D J. Wakefield and SA. Nass
Application of Master Plan Logic Diagram tMPLD) PC-Based PTogram in
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
J3. Zamanali, M. Modarres, J. Wang, and W. Martschenko
Development of a Computer Aided Success Path Search System
K.S. Jeong, J.O. Yang, T.W. Kim, C.K Park
RIMS-A Softvare Tool for IPE and Accident Management
MA. Stutzke, J.C. Plunkett, and E.M. Dougherty
Phenomenological Uncertainties in Severe Accident Management Strategies
for PWRs
W.E. Kaslenherg, G. Apostolakis, VX. Dhir, and D. Okrent
CANDU 3 Conceptual Probabilistic Safety Assessment-Insights and
Design Decisions
R.K. Jaitly, P J. Allen, JR. Fisher, S. Naman, and H.S. Shapiro
Probil Relations of Hazardous Materials and Expert Opinions
I.H.J. Goossens and FJ. Vogt
Modularizing Fault Tree Uncertainty Analysis: The Treatment of
Opendent Infonnation Sources
R. Cooke, H. Meeuwissen, and C. Preyssl, Furopean Space Agene
Two Cases from the Chemical Industry Using Expert Judgment
DE Akicermans, and MA'A J. Claessens
RisklEffect Modelling of Inland Waterway Transport Using SADT
L.HS Goossens, P.V. Heirnplaetzer, and W. Heins
Risk Management and Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
V. Jokszrnovich
The Siting of a Waste Incineration Facility-Perception of Risks and
Benefits, Infonnation Needs, and Consequences for Risk Communication
P.M. Wiedernann and H. Schutz
A Stochastic Approach of Soil Environmental Problems: The Methodology
and Modelling Approach Illustrated by a Hazardous Waste Site
C.C.D.F. van Ree, J. Taat, G.A.M. van Meurs, and J. van Heteren
Methane Production at UK Landfill Sites-Improving Hazard Asscssment
and Communication
R.V. Kemp
Probabilistic Assessment of Off-Normal Emissions from a Rotary KILN
Hazardous Waste Incinerator
Y. Zeng and D. O/atent
The Use of Probabilistic Safety Analysis in the Regulation of Nuclear
Power in the UK
CH. Shepherd
Use of a PRA for Nuclear Plant Operating Configuration Management
E.R. Schmidt, P J. Fulford, and K. JamaZi
Modeling and Treatment of Recovery Actions in PRAs
P. Moieni, A J. Spurgin, G.W. Parry, and A. Singh
Methods for Evaluation and Companson of Display Indicators
M A. Azarm, F. Hsu, and W.E. Vesely
COGESAIR: An Integrated Computerized Plant Performance Monitoring
V. Joksimovich, N. Pantich, and JL. Petitclerc
CRIOP: A Method for Evaluation of Offshore Control Centers
O. Ingstad and U. Kjelle'n
The Use of Simulator Data in Human Reliability Analysis: Results from the
EPRI Operator Reliability Expenments Program
P. Moieni, G.W. Parry, A J. Spurgin, and A. Singh
Comparison of Risk Sensitivity to Human Ezors in the Oconee and LaSalle
S. Wong and J. Higgins
The Human Reliability Analysis Results for ASCO NPP-PSA
J. Manoz
Probabilistl. Modelling of Reactor Pressure Vessel External Cooling
P. Lundstrom, O. Kymalainen and H. Tuomisto
A Probabilistic Method for the Evaluation of Severe Accident Source Term
DA. Powers
ROAAM: A Risk-Oriented Accident Analysis Methodology
T.G Theofanous and H. Yan
Catastrophic Transportation Accidents and Hazardous Materials Routing
T.S. Glickman and EI.D. Sherali
Assessment and Evaluation of Risk Associated with the Transport of
Anhydrous Ammonia in France
P. Buberl P. Pages, and P. Lamblin
The Appllcatson of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Techniques to the
Storage, Handling and Processing of Ammunition and Explosives .
M1. Brou n and JA. Edmondson
Characlenzatlon of Two-Phase Releases
P.F holar,, GA' Pettitt, and N.R. Hardy
The Systems c f Decision Making in Case of Sea Accidents
A S Levchenlkov, A A. Prosin, and B 7. Drachev
Underestimatmg Risk in Probabilistic Risk Analysis Due to Model
D. W Henneke and L J. Marker
Quality Assurance of Technical Adequacy for ASCO NPP-PSA
VA. Lloren.
NASA Efforts in Risk and Reliability Data Base Development
J.R. Fragola
Space Nuclear Reactor Diagnosis: Knowledge Based Approach
Y.D. Ting and D. Okrent
Derivation of Maximum Probable Losses for Commercial Launch
R.K. Gress
Initiating Event Analysis for a BWR Low Power and Shutdown Accident
Frequency Assessment 1251
T.M. Hake and D.W. Whitehead
Success Critena Development for the Savannah River Plant K Reactor
J1. Darby and P.Y. Pan
Denved Estimates for Generic LOCA Frequencies
K. Jarnali
Methods for Bayesian Aging Analysis
V.M. Bier, D.C. Bley, and DS. Johnson
Developments in Probabilistic Risk Evaluation of Aging
W.E. Vesely and M. Hassan
Formalisms for Handling Phenomenological Uncertainties: The Concepts of
Probability, Frequency, Variability, and Probability of Frequency
S. Kaplan
Fuzzy Risk Analysis of Engineering Invesenent by Hierarchical Systems
L. Shaopei and Z Zhongmin
Use of Acutc Toxicity Data in Risk Assessment of Accidental Rcleases
G. Alexeeff, M. Lipsett, and D. Lewis
Interfacmg System LOCA Risk Assessment: Methodology and Application
WJ Gajyean, JA. Schroeder, and D J. Hanson
A Method for Quantifying PSA Accident Sequences for "Complex"
Initiating Events
TL Zimmerrnan and L J. Marker
Safety Importance of Service Water Events in Nuclear Power Plants 1315
D C. Blev, D.H. Johnson, and WB. Realand
Cnticality Assessment Approach for Space Station Project
F Pl zano
MELCOR Modeling of the PBF Severe Fuel Damage Test 1-4
I.K Madni
Quantltative Analysis of Potential Improvements for the Dry Pressurized
Water Reactor Containment
DL. Kells, D J. Pafford, JA. Schroeder, and K.R. Jones
Risk and Off-Site Consequences-Post-Chernobyl Developments
U Tveten
Fission Product Release Following a Severe Accident in Medium Sized
J Tzoref, S Ron, and J. Szabo
Aging Effects of Core Melt Frequencies
C J. Childs and R.W. Hoclcenbury
Identification of a Bathtub Failure Rate from Censored Data
M.V. Aarser
On the Diagnosis of Aging Failures using Infrared Thermography
A. Madrid
Application of a Bayesian Aging Model to Predict Steam Generator
Plugging Rates
AA. Dykes, J A. Mundis, and DA. Bilisell
Fuzzy Nature of Human Reliability Behavior
K.-Y. Cai, C.Y. Wen, and M.-L. Zhang
Application of Fuzzy Set and Probability Theory to Data Uncertainty in
Long Term Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems
A. Nies aruS L. Camarinopoulos
The Use of Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Models for the Combination
of Expert Opinions
J.S. Wu, G. Apostolakis, and D. Okrent
Analytical Methods Applicable to Risk Assessment and Prevention Program
J.T. Kopecek
Chemical Risk Management: Are We Safer and Who Wants to Know
R.C. Anderson
On the Need of Markovian Reliability Analysis
I A. Papazoglou
Approximate Evaluation of Generalized Markov Health Models of Fault
Tolerant Aerospace Systems
NM. Wereley and B.K. Walker
Why Markovian Techniques Were Used in EDF's PSA of Paluel?
AD. Charnbardel
Utilization of the Cell-to-Cell Mapping Technique to Construct Markov
Failure Models for Process Control Systems
T. Alderrur
A Statistical Approach for Risk Management of Space Shuttle Main Engine
F.M Safie
Incorporation of Analytic Hierarchy Process Methodology with
Probabilisuc Safety Assessment for Consistent Decision Making
M. Kitarr ura, T. Washio, H. Takahashi, and K Sugiyama
Declsion Support for Operability Improvement and Maintenance Planning
by Analyoc Hierarchy Process Methodology
T. Washis Y. Kitarnura, H. Takahash, and M. Kitamara
The System-Based Methods in the Automation of the Decision-Making
Processes for Management
I.U Usupov
New Rellabillty Performance Parameter for Peaking Power Plants
B.W Johnson, T. Whitehead, P. Derenthal, R. Frischrnuth, and SvA.
Boccu zi
Informaiion-Theoretic Approach to Uncertainty Lmportance Analysis
C.K. Park
Graph-Theoreiical Second-Moment Modelling
G J. Savage S. Carr, and J. Gao
On the Quantification of Model Uncertainty
S. Chiubber, G. Apostolakis, and D. Okrent
Evaluation of Risk and Proxirnity of Probability Distnbutions
V1. Rotar
ProbabilistiC Safety Assessment Using Event Tree Analysis and Fault Tree
Analysis Considering Time Dependency
T. Kohda, M. Wada, and K. Inoue
CCPS Guidelines for Process Equipment Reliability Data
G.R. Van Sciver
Pooling of Multi-Source Information in the Context of Linear Models
C.C. Parisetti, L. Olivi, and F. Pesarin
A Systematic Method for Breaking Logic Loops in Fault Tree Analysis
R. Andsten and J. Vaurio
PRA Applications: Lessons Learned to Date
H. Filacchione and J. Meyer
On Combining the Generic Failure Rate Data for Probabilistic Risk
MA. Azarm and TL. Chu
An Approach for Selecting Safety Class Items
J M. Low
Probabilistic Safety Measures for Assessment of DOE Nuclear Reactor
M. Khatib-Rahbar and K Murphy